– Oh hello. We’re fintastic –

Your Data is An Untapped Asset. Let’s Unlock its Value. Together.

– Science-backed. Driven by passion –

We Actually Use AI. We’re Not Just Saying it

When we set out to develop fintastic, we focused on creating every FP&A team's dream solution. And at first, this seemed like an impossible ask. The only thing we knew for certain was that technologies like AI would have to play a big role.

We realized that AI was the missing piece needed to take FP&A from technical to strategic. But we also knew that if we claimed to be a smart, science-backed solution, we would need something to back it up. And so fintastic, the seemingly fantastical and almost too good to be true, was born.

– A walk down memory lane –

How We Got Here

It all started when two friends and veteran techies stumbled across the world of FP&A. And fell in love with it. But the more they learned, the more frustrated they felt. How could it be that such an essential role didn’t have the tools they actually needed? They couldn’t grasp why FP&A teams were working with technology that wouldn’t help them scale. That’s when they committed to doing something to change this.

Fast forward a few months, many brainstorming sessions and countless cups of coffee. Those two friends are now our co-founders, Jonathan and Eric. They’ve since joined forces with an expert from the world of FP&A, Hamutal, and assembled a team of winners to create a one-of-a-kind product designed to empower FP&As and CFOs with the smart financial technology they deserve. And the rest is history.

At Group 11, we are always looking for markets within FinTech that are ripe for technological disruption. We have no doubt that the FP&A domain is one of them. It is a manual, inefficient process and a category that is significantly underserved. There are no current solutions that leverage technology to solve this pain

Dovi Frances
Founding Partner at Group 11
Founding Partner at Group 11
– It’s in our DNA –

A Fintastic Team

For some of us, this is a calling. It’s the perfect fit and where we’re meant to be. For others, it’s the next milestone in their career. But it really doesn’t matter which camp one falls into because we’re the same.

We’re a group of ambitious out-of-the-box thinkers who approach every challenge as a creative thought experiment. We live for a good challenge and thrive on adrenaline and deadlines. We’re the kind of people who refuse to settle for the status quo because we know things can be better.

At the heart of it, we know that success is all about commitment and hard work. You can find us spread out all over the globe, from the US and Tel Aviv to Ukraine. Oh, and did we mention we’re hiring.

– Join us and be part of fintastic team! –

Oh, Hey We’re Hiring!

We’re hiring
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